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Question Of The Week #5

Whatsup guys? Buddha speaking here...

I just want your thoughts and opinions on certain things that we're about to do on the blog.

First and foremost , happy new year to everyone. And onto business, since it is a new year we're going to change a few things around here.

For one, starting this monday I'm going to post an untagged version of each track from the mixtape. Just like twitter has it's "Music Monday", we have "Static Music Monday".

And to follow up that comment with a question, in the future, would you rather have mixtapes like the Christmas ones or us just posting individual tracks from time to time?

And if we do choose the mixtape route, do you guys strictly want Static's songs or also tracks that Static has written for others (like that Aura track I just posted)?

Thanks a lot everyone and let's make 2010 a big year for the blog.

Static Major 4 Life!


  1. I would like the mixtape route. I love Static Major music and just to have some new shit by him to bump in my car would be what's up. And i want songs by him as well as songs that he wrote. Anything that he touched is a hit record.

  2. mixtape and songs by him as well as songs by artists he worked wit

  3. It doesn't bother me how you post the songs & if its the mixtapes then id rather have songs sung by static than songs he wrote.The song he wrote should be posted individualy with a story behind it rather to just be thrown in a mixtape.

  4. i would prefer a mixtape because more songs will be on it instead of one. of course i love static's songs but it would be cool to post songs he did for others as well. keep up the good work

  5. happy new year to all of you too! great to hear your new ideas about the blog. I'd personally prefer it if you post full individual songs from time to time, and as to the second question: I'm more interested in Static's songs (I love listening to his voice), or his versions of songs he wrote for other people...

  6. Either or is cool with me. I agree w/ Anonymous Static's works are amazing and need to be hear. It would also be cool to hear music he wrote/arranged/produced for other artists. Happy New Year. I am looking forward to Static Music Mondays

  7. Both would be fine. But Static's music to me is like listening to MJ. It's timeless and not like anybody else.

  8. I say space it out and do mixtapes, 15 songs or less, and in that time maybe an official release will come around before you exhaust a lot of the material ... even tho most people hear will still support, and there's still a lot of fans out there that don't know about it ... I just don't want the label reneging because of us being impatient


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